Triplex Pump -Circulation System Mud Pumps

Triplex Pump

** Vol. Displaced by each piston
during one complete pump cycle:

 (3.14/4) (di^2)(Ls)

The pump factor (Fp) a triplex
pump (three cylinders):


Ev: is the volumetric efficiency, it depends on the type of
pump being used, and is usually between (0.85 to 1)

** The flow rate (q) of the pump is obtained by :
q (bbl/min) = Fp (bbl/stroke) x N (stroke/min)

** Fp: Pump factor (cu in/min bbl/ min divide by 9702)
N: number of cycle/strokes per minute

Triplex Pump -Circulation System Mud Pumps   Triplex Pump -Circulation System Mud Pumps Reviewed by mohammed omar oun on December 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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